For Nonprofits and Registered Charities, a secure and seamless environment that centralizes governance and administration for their extranets is essential to reducing the costs of infrastructure hosting and ongoing operational costs. Extranet User Manager has extensive experience in providing value and reducing costs in the Nonprofit sector.
Some of the common concerns that Extranet User Manager helps address include:
- The need to quickly scale to add thousands of users, sponsors, and partners
- Centralized security and administration, with multi-factor authentication and robust compliance controls and reporting
- Self-registration of extranet users, and the ability to delegate management of the onboarding process to business owners
Take a look at the in-depth case studies and additional industry resources below and find out how Extranet User Manger is helping create better experiences in the Nonprofit sector.
Industry Resources
The Ultimate Survival Guide for Charities to Navigate the Complexities of Technology
Get this free eBook for the ultimate survival guide that charities and nonprofits need to navigate the complexities of technology innovation. Don't get left behind, and build a digital community where your external audiences can collaborate.
OntarioMD Launches New Azure Website And Extranet
In May 2017 OntarioMD launched its new public website. Hosted as a Web App in Microsoft Azure, it leverages OntarioMD's existing Office 365 as the content management system. A custom publishing process takes approved content and pushes it across to the public site in Azure.
Industry Case Studies
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: Problem Gambling Group
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada's leading addiction and mental health teaching hospital and research facility. CAMH succeeds in transforming the lives of people affected by addiction and mental illness, by applying the latest in scientific advances, through integrated clinical practice, health promotion, education and research.
Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies
Since 1912, Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) has represented Children’s Aid Societies in Ontario and provided service in the areas of government relations, communications, information management, education, and training to advocate for the protection and well-being of children.
OntarioMD is a government funded not for profit organization responsible for driving adoption of Electronic Medical Record systems by physicians in the province of Ontario, Canada.
United Way of Calgary and Area
United Way gives individuals and families the opportunity to reach their potential and improve their quality of life. United Way’s impact is local, tangible, and meaningful for funding programs that teach conflict-resolution skills to a high-risk families and much more.
Read more about the United Way of Calgary and Area case study.
Futurpreneur Canada has been fueling the entrepreneurial passions of Canada’s young enterprise for two decades. They are the only national, non-profit organization that provides financing, mentoring and support tools to aspiring business owners aged 18-39.