
Want to go more in depth?

Check out our curated resources below!

Azure AD B2B Resources

Both as developers of our Extranet User Manager product suite, and through our consulting services on the Envision IT side, we have learned a lot about Azure AD B2B over the years. As we publish more content and deliver more events around this, we'll keep updating this page as the master reference for our thoughts, ideas, and guidance.

Azure AD B2B Resources

Digital Workplace Conference Resources

Debbie Ireland has been running the Digital Workplace Conferences annually in New Zealand ( and Australia ( since 2008. Focused on Microsoft 365, they are the premier Digital Workplace events in their countries. In November 2022, Debbie and our President, Peter Carson, had a Microsoft Teams call to discuss an ambitious idea. Debbie's conference is focused on Microsoft 365, and Peter suggested they run the conference website on Microsoft 365. Not just that, but go beyond a static brochureware website, and build a functioning digital community that lives on throughout the rest of the year.

Digital Workplace Conference Resources

LMS365 Resources

LMS365 and Extranet User Manager share a common vision: helping clients to increase adoption and get full benefit of their Microsoft 365 investment. LMS365, with its seamless integration with the host of Microsoft’s modern workplace tools, becomes more than just a platform for employee learning and training management. Extranet User Manager, with its simple and seamless integration with LMS365, becomes a value extension for the learning management solution.

LMS365 Resources

Making Microsoft Simple Resources

Extranet User Manager makes Microsoft simple. An exceptional user experience lets businesses connect and collaborate with external stakeholders and maintain Microsoft security. IT is involved at the beginning, ensuring a seamless integration, while the business can focus on what really matters - getting the job done.

Making Microsoft Simple Resources

MBNCanada Resources

The Municipal Benchmarking Network of Canada (MBNCanada) supports excellence in municipal service delivery though collaboration, networking and the implementation of municipal performance measurement and benchmarking. The organization has developed a unique and secure cloud-based portal for municipalities that supports data collection, analysis, and shared learnings in support of municipal innovation.

MBNCanada Resources

Teams Provisioning Resources

Through our commitment to make Microsoft simple, Extranet User Manager offers Teams Provisioning as an open-source solution that empowers business users to self-service create Teams and Office 365 Groups in an approved and consistent way, while avoiding out of control provisioning or having to wait for IT administrators to complete requests. With this foundation in place the solution is completely automated within Office 365, saving users valuable time while also maintaining control over the environment.

Teams Provisioning Resources