
One common place for external users, regardless of where or what you have given them access to

Extranet Portal is not a product itself, rather it is a platform that our products - Documents, Publisher, and User Manager - integrate into. It provides tailored content that is accessible to both anonymous and authenticated users, which allows you to build a feature rich, fully customized external facing portal that showcases your brand.

Product Features

Simple Content Authoring

Ability to add, edit, and delete pages with a built-in rich text editor to author content, images, and video directly in the portal

Public and Private Areas

Portal content can be published for anonymous consumption as well as private consumption where users have to log in

My Sites

Groups or Sites can be assigned to users and when signed in to the portal they can see tiles representing the different applications they have access to

Product Integrations

Extranet Portal seamlessly integrates with our other products as well as Microsoft 365 - specifically Teams and SharePoint Sites

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Featured Case Study


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