The Ultimate Survival Guide for Charities eBook

Hands holding an apple in shape of heart

Learn to Navigate the Complexities of Technology Innovation and Build Your Digital Community

Both charities and nonprofits need a survival guide when it comes to navigating modern technology today. And when used properly and efficiently can greatly benefit and serve their larger purpose. Don't get left behind, and build a digital community where your external audiences can collaborate. With licensing and credits from Microsoft and grants from Google you can do it very cost effectively, or for free!

Chapters include:

  • Why you need a digital community to succeed in 2018 and beyond
  • How to move forward and build that digital community
  • Keep in mind your four main audiences: board of directors and committees, volunteers, beneficiaries, and donors
  • Success stories from organizations who have implemented a digital community
  • And lastly, but most importantly, understanding Microsoft and Google licensing for charities, so you can save money

Download the free eBook today and get the quick guide to starting your online community!

Charity eBook cover inside tablet

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