OntarioMD uses Extranet User Manager and Azure to Launch Public Website
OntarioMD (www.ontariomd.ca) is a government funded not for profit organization responsible for driving adoption of Electronic Medical Record systems by physicians in the province of Ontario, Canada. Over 14,000 physicians are enrolled in its programs. OntarioMD has a proven track record of developing and implementing award-winning connectivity to EMRs in its Hospital Report Manager (HRM) and eNotifications applications that enhance the value of certified EMRs. While OntarioMD is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Ontario Medical Association, it receives funding from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
Envision IT was awarded an RFP in 2016 to implement and host a new corporate website and portal platform for OntarioMD. They had already made the decision to decommission the existing Oracle-based infrastructure and platform, and were looking to introduce a cloud-based solution. They were exploring ways to reduce the costs of current infrastructure hosting and ongoing operational costs. They also needed a solution to handle approximately 15,000 registered users, including physicians and their delegated sponsored users.
The new solution incorporates Envision IT's Extranet User Manager product. This allows physicians and their staff to securely register and authenticate to the Azure website. It also provides single sign-on to related applications such as OntarioMD's Health Card Validation application. This is integrated through OpenID Connect.
Features of the solution include:
- Migration of 15,000 registered users to the new system
- Change communications around new email usernames and secure password set process
- Physician self-registration with validation against OMA web services
- Physicians and delegated administrators can sponsor other users into the site
- Onboarding process validates new users through Azure Multi-Factor Authentication phone calls or SMS text messages
- Privacy policy acceptance
- Full auditing of all profile updates and attempted login activity
- Fully hosted by Extranet User Manager for OntarioMD
The Results
The 15,000+ registered physicians and staff get access to their content and apps through a responsive, visually appealing website. Envision IT provided content migration of the existing content and training of the communications and business teams that will be authoring the site. The recently launched site can be viewed at www.ontariomd.ca. Details on how the site is authored in Office 365 and published to an Azure website can be found at the OntarioMD uses Office 365 and Azure Websites to Launch Their Public Website case study page.
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