Warrior Centric Health
Providing Veteran and Warrior Centric Healthcare Training to Healthcare Professionals with Microsoft 365
The Client
Warrior Centric Health’s (WCH) role is to ensure that everyone, including veterans, has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. However, there are significant care gaps between various populations across the United States, despite the fact that those users are insured. This means there are a vast number of individuals that are not receiving care that hospitals are capable of providing.
WCH addresses these gaps head-on by focusing on opportunities to provide hospitals with the resources and solutions they need to deliver optimal care to large, diverse populations of patients whose specific needs are otherwise unmet. These diverse populations include veterans, active-duty service members, national guard, reservists, and their families. Through successfully completing training modules geared towards caregivers in these facilities, hospitals can become Warrior Centric Authorized, which means they have the skill sets to provide the care these user groups require. This provides hospitals the opportunity to fulfill their community benefit missions, reduce costly readmissions, and attract more patients who fall within these diverse populations.
As WCH made the decision to go all-in on Microsoft technologies, not only to support their business but also as the main vehicle for delivering their resources and services to these healthcare facilities, there was a natural fit to implement LMS365.
The Challenge
As WCH onboards clients, a key offering is for them to take a series of trainings to become Warrior Centric Authorized; one of their ongoing goals is to reach a specific threshold of certified employees within a given facility that are equipped to meet the healthcare needs of veterans. Like many organizations that have invested in Microsoft 365, WCH saw an opportunity to gain extended value from its investment through a cloud-based LMS platform built into Microsoft 365. Given WCH would be onboarding caregivers from their clients/hospital's facilities, this could include a wide array of user roles. All the users would exist outside the WCH Microsoft 365 instance which means they would need to be created and managed as guest users. Finding a simple way to manage guest accounts for the LMS365 was a missing piece to the puzzle that needed to be solved in order to have a well-rounded offering for their clients.
The Solution
LMS365 and EUM partnered to meet WCH’s requirements. Through EUM’s unique EUM Admin application, the learning administrator can provision the accounts they require on behalf of their clients without having to do so through the overly complex and cumbersome Azure Active Directory portal.
Roles that are created and managed through EUM Admin make it simple for the learning administrator to set up the user accounts that need to be assigned to certain training plans and courses within the LMS. When a user is assigned to a group in EUM, their account is automatically synced over to LMS365 and enrolled into the applicable courses. This minimizes effort from an administrative perspective.
End users receive clear communications that they have been assigned a certain training module and that they must complete it within a defined time frame. The end user simply logs into the learning portal with their existing credentials, which is an optimal experience. They no longer need to remember the password required to log in to the system; they simply use the same password used to unlock their PC. Ideally, if they use browser profiles and are signed in, they can single sign-on to the LMS without being prompted to input their credentials.
Once the user successfully signs in, they are brought directly into the LMS365 course catalog based on the permissions assigned to them as part of their onboarding. Users can then take courses assigned to them at their own leisure.
The Results
The combination of EUM and LMS365’s solutions enabled Warrior Centric Health to deliver its veteran and warrior centric healthcare-based training to the hospitals, which provided a stronger ROI from its Microsoft 365 investment. It achieved solid adoption from within the hospitals by creating a seamless user experience from start to finish, providing users with simple onboarding and enabling the learning administrator to accomplish what they need without becoming an expert in Azure Active Directory user administration and maintenance.