Site Provisioning Whitepaper Newly Updated!
The definitive technical guide on site provisioning, we walk you through the process. It has been moved to our parent company Envision IT's website where you can download the latest whitepaper.
This open source solution from Extranet User Manager empowers business users to create sites, Teams, and Office 365 Groups with appropriate structure and governance, without waiting on IT administrators to complete process. With this foundation in place the solution is completely automated within SharePoint Online, Microsoft Flow, and Azure Automation, saving users valuable time while also maintaining control over the environment.
The high level things covered within this whitepaper include:
- What prerequisites you need installed to implement this solution
How to get the project setup
- Downloading the repository from GitHub
- Setting up the SharePoint Configuration file to manage the environments for testing
- SharePoint lists to request, track, and manage SharePoint site collections and sites, including modern team sites, communication sites, Office 365 Groups, and Microsoft Teams
The final section discusses how to create the sites using SharePoint Framework, Flow, and PowerShell
- SPFx form to customize the site request form experience
- Flow workflow to manage the approval and site creation initiation
- PowerShell scripts to create the list, populate with existing sites, and create new sites
- Azure Automation to host and run the PowerShell scripts in the cloud
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